Christian Findlay is a professional Software Developer and trainer based in Melbourne, Australia. He builds with Flutter, .NET, AI, Firebase/Supabase, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

Melbourne, Australia

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Mastering Dart Extension Methods in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide
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Mastering Dart Extension Methods in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide

Dart has a powerful feature called extensions. This feature can significantly improve the readability and maintainability of your Flutter code. This comprehensive tutorial explores how...

25 Jun 2023 Christian Findlay
N-tier Architecture Was a Mistake: Long Live Apps That Talk Directly to the Database
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N-tier Architecture Was a Mistake: Long Live Apps That Talk Directly to the Database

Back in the day, many desktop apps talked directly to the database. We didn’t have APIs over the top of the database, and quite often,...

12 Jun 2023 Christian Findlay