Christian Findlay is a professional Software Developer and trainer based in Melbourne, Australia. He builds with Flutter, .NET, AI, Firebase/Supabase, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

Melbourne, Australia

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C# Code Quality - Part 1
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C# Code Quality - Part 1

Improving a codebase can be a difficult task. The larger the codebase, the more difficult it becomes to find and fix poor code manually. When...

09 Nov 2019 Christian Findlay
C# String Interpolation
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C# String Interpolation


05 Oct 2019 Christian Findlay
C# Serial Port Access - Windows
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C# Serial Port Access - Windows

There are various ways connected devices communicate with your computer. One of the oldest ways is via the Serial Port. In some ways, serial port access...

14 Sep 2019 Christian Findlay
Device.Net 3.0
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Device.Net 3.0

Device.Net 3.0 has been released. Device.Net is a framework for communicating with connected devices. Along with Device.Net Usb.Net, and Hid.Net 3.0 were also released. These...

26 Aug 2019 Christian Findlay
RestClient.Net on WebAssembly (C#)
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RestClient.Net on WebAssembly (C#)

RestClient.Net is a simple wrapper for HttpClient. It adds strong typing to REST calls and speeds up writing basic Http Request/Response operations. WebAssembly (Wasm) is...

15 Aug 2019 Christian Findlay
Visual Studio - Break On All Exceptions
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Visual Studio - Break On All Exceptions

An app should throw exceptions when something exceptional happens. However, developers should design apps and APIs so that under regular use, exceptions do not occur. Exceptions...

14 Jul 2019 Christian Findlay
xUnit - Strongly Typed Test Data
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xUnit - Strongly Typed Test Data

xUnit has a quirky system for consuming test data. Strongly typed test data can be specified with the MemberData attribute and the Theory attribute but...

30 Jun 2019 Christian Findlay
C# and WebAssembly (Wasm)
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C# and WebAssembly (Wasm)

WebAssembly may be the most exciting technology for C# developers to emerge in recent times. Browser based applications have been developed in JavaScript, or languages...

29 Jun 2019 Christian Findlay