Christian Findlay is a professional Software Developer and trainer based in Melbourne, Australia. He builds with Flutter, .NET, AI, Firebase/Supabase, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

Melbourne, Australia

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Dart: Algebraic Data Types
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Dart: Algebraic Data Types

Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) are a powerful functional programming concept that allows developers to model complex data structures more elegantly than traditional object-oriented classes. They...

05 Jul 2024 Christian Findlay
Build Your First Flutter App with ChatGPT - A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide
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Build Your First Flutter App with ChatGPT - A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide


04 Jan 2024 Christian Findlay
Reactive Programming in Flutter: Understanding the Power of Observables and Computed Values with Signals, Riverpod and RxDart
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Reactive Programming in Flutter: Understanding the Power of Observables and Computed Values with Signals, Riverpod and RxDart

This article introduces you to the concept of Reactive programming (Rx) in Flutter and talks about how a few popular libraries implement it. It talks...

30 Nov 2023 Christian Findlay
Mastering Dart Extension Methods in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide
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Mastering Dart Extension Methods in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide

Dart has a powerful feature called extensions. This feature can significantly improve the readability and maintainability of your Flutter code. This comprehensive tutorial explores how...

25 Jun 2023 Christian Findlay
Dart 3: A Comprehensive Guide to Records and Futures
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Dart 3: A Comprehensive Guide to Records and Futures

35 Best Flutter Blogs - Check out the top Flutter blogs

15 May 2023 Christian Findlay
Dart Switch Expressions
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Dart Switch Expressions

Dart 3 adds a new feature called Switch Expressions. Dart is a multi-paradigm language that supports both object-oriented, imperative, functional-style and declarative programming. Programmers have...

11 May 2023 Christian Findlay
Mastering Material Design 3: The Complete Guide to Theming in Flutter
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Mastering Material Design 3: The Complete Guide to Theming in Flutter

One of the most common questions developers ask when working with Flutter is how to efficiently manage themes to create visually appealing and consistent UIs...

04 May 2023 Christian Findlay
Components of Flutter State Management
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Components of Flutter State Management

State management is a critical aspect of building responsive Flutter apps. We often talk about “State Management Solutions” in Flutter, but we rarely break down...

18 Apr 2023 Christian Findlay
Flutter - Full App Widget Testing
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Flutter - Full App Widget Testing

I offer full widget testing training for your team. Book a session to learn how to test your Flutter apps.

04 Apr 2023 Christian Findlay
Rounded Buttons in Flutter with Material Design 3
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Rounded Buttons in Flutter with Material Design 3

Rounded buttons in Material Design 3 is even simpler than before. Google’s latest design language offers the ability to enable rounded buttons by default with...

03 Apr 2023 Christian Findlay
Using Hexadecimal Color Strings in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide
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Using Hexadecimal Color Strings in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide

Color plays a critical role in the Flutter user experience. It can enhance or destroy the look and feel of your app. We can represent...

03 Apr 2023 Christian Findlay
Why Flutter Is The Best Choice For Startups
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Why Flutter Is The Best Choice For Startups

As a startup, choosing the right technology stack to build your first app is critical. The technology you choose will significantly impact your product’s success...

19 Mar 2023 Christian Findlay
Add A Search Bar To The AppBar In Flutter
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Add A Search Bar To The AppBar In Flutter

Search bars are often an essential UI component in a Flutter app. This blog post walks you through creating a search bar in Flutter and...

19 Mar 2023 Christian Findlay
Basic Flutter Animations With Tweens
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Basic Flutter Animations With Tweens

In Flutter we create animations with the Animation class, which is part of the Flutter animation framework. We can use animations to change the size,...

17 Mar 2023 Christian Findlay
Flutter: Breaking the BloC Rules
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Flutter: Breaking the BloC Rules

BloC is a common UI pattern in the Flutter world. Google originally created the idea early on in Flutter’s life. Since its inception, the pattern...

28 Dec 2022 Christian Findlay
Flutter: How To Mock Functions For Testing
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Flutter: How To Mock Functions For Testing

The Dart language allows us to implement and mock any class. That’s because Dart has implicit interfaces, which is great for testing. However, some libraries...

17 Dec 2022 Christian Findlay
Immutability: Dart vs. F#
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Immutability: Dart vs. F#

Immutability is a very important part of Functional Programming. Dart and F# are two excellent modern languages that support immutability and functional programming constructs. However, Don Syme and the...

05 Nov 2022 Christian Findlay
Flutter Dependency Injection: ioc_container V1
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Flutter Dependency Injection: ioc_container V1

ioc_container is an IoC Container for Dart and Flutter. It started about five months ago as a quick way to replace dependencies for testing but...

24 Oct 2022 Christian Findlay
Separate Business Logic and Presentation
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Separate Business Logic and Presentation

The Flutter community is always looking for ways to create a clear separation between business logic and presentation. There are several solutions, but they can...

09 Oct 2022 Christian Findlay
Dart Immutable Collections
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Dart Immutable Collections

Dart makes it pretty easy to create immutable classes, and several patterns encourage you to use them. However, we often don’t use immutable collections correctly. If...

29 Sep 2022 Christian Findlay
Dart: Formatting and Trailing Commas
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Dart: Formatting and Trailing Commas

Trailing commas may sound like a minor aspect of the Dart language, but they have a major impact on the formatting of your code. This...

30 Jul 2022 Christian Findlay
Papilio: An Intro
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Papilio: An Intro

Flutter gives you a powerful toolset for building rich cross-platform apps. You can build single-source apps on macOS, Windows or Linux and run those apps...

20 Jul 2022 Christian Findlay
Run Flutter Widget Tests as Integration Tests
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Run Flutter Widget Tests as Integration Tests

Automated testing in flutter is easy. The flutter team built it into the framework from the ground up. They call it integration testing, but non-flutter developers...

18 Dec 2021 Christian Findlay
Dart: Manual Mutation Testing
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Dart: Manual Mutation Testing

Mutation testing is a technique for measuring the quality of your tests.

04 Dec 2021 Christian Findlay
How to Build a Flutter Navigation Drawer
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How to Build a Flutter Navigation Drawer

Navigation drawer is a typical UI pattern for adaptive menus. The Material Design documentation formalizes the menu’s behavior, but this pattern is not peculiar to...

30 Oct 2021 Christian Findlay
Dart Classes for C# Programmers
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Dart Classes for C# Programmers

Building classes in Dart is similar to C#, but there are some quirks that you need to be aware of. This article shows you how...

06 Sep 2021 Christian Findlay
Flutter: First Impressions
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Flutter: First Impressions

Flutter is Google’s cross-platform UI Toolkit. It uses the language Dart. I have a long history of building cross-platform apps with .NET and XAML. I...

04 Sep 2021 Christian Findlay
Android HID/USB with Flutter and .NET
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Android HID/USB with Flutter and .NET

Flutter is an emerging UI technology by Google. Flutnet brings Flutter and .NET together. It allows you to create a Flutter UI with .NET logic....

09 Oct 2020 Christian Findlay