Christian Findlay is a professional Software Developer and trainer based in Melbourne, Australia. He builds with Flutter, .NET, AI, Firebase/Supabase, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

Melbourne, Australia

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C# Code Rules Part 1
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C# Code Rules Part 1

Edit: There is a new article that replaces these two articles and uses the more modern editor config format. These two articles are still useful...

11 Feb 2019 Christian Findlay
Cross Platform USB and Hid Programming
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Cross Platform USB and Hid Programming

Delving in to the world of crypto hardwarewallets has led me deep in to the rabbit hole of USB and Hid  programming. I didn’t want...

30 Dec 2018 Christian Findlay
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Edit: this library has undergone multiple iterations since this early blog post. It is no longer in beta, and has been moved to GitHub. Check...

14 Aug 2016 Christian Findlay