Christian Findlay is a professional Software Developer and trainer based in Melbourne, Australia. He builds with Flutter, .NET, AI, Firebase/Supabase, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

Melbourne, Australia

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Flutter: How To Mock Functions For Testing
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Flutter: How To Mock Functions For Testing

The Dart language allows us to implement and mock any class. That’s because Dart has implicit interfaces, which is great for testing. However, some libraries...

17 Dec 2022 Christian Findlay
Immutability: Dart vs. F#
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Immutability: Dart vs. F#

Immutability is a very important part of Functional Programming. Dart and F# are two excellent modern languages that support immutability and functional programming constructs. However, Don Syme and the...

05 Nov 2022 Christian Findlay
Flutter Dependency Injection: ioc_container V1
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Flutter Dependency Injection: ioc_container V1

ioc_container is an IoC Container for Dart and Flutter. It started about five months ago as a quick way to replace dependencies for testing but...

24 Oct 2022 Christian Findlay
Separate Business Logic and Presentation
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Separate Business Logic and Presentation

The Flutter community is always looking for ways to create a clear separation between business logic and presentation. There are several solutions, but they can...

09 Oct 2022 Christian Findlay
Dart Immutable Collections
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Dart Immutable Collections

Dart makes it pretty easy to create immutable classes, and several patterns encourage you to use them. However, we often don’t use immutable collections correctly. If...

29 Sep 2022 Christian Findlay
Device.Net Project Status
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Device.Net Project Status

Device.Net is a cross-platform framework that attempts to put a layer over the top of USB and Hid. It runs on Android, UWP, .NET Framework and...

06 Aug 2022 Christian Findlay
Dart: Formatting and Trailing Commas
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Dart: Formatting and Trailing Commas

Trailing commas may sound like a minor aspect of the Dart language, but they have a major impact on the formatting of your code. This...

30 Jul 2022 Christian Findlay
Google Cloud Run
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Google Cloud Run

Google Cloud Run is a serverless container app service. You can deploy containerised apps to the cloud, which will autoscale horizontally with minimal configuration. It is...

26 Jul 2022 Christian Findlay