Christian Findlay is a professional Software Developer and trainer based in Melbourne, Australia. He builds with Flutter, .NET, AI, Firebase/Supabase, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

Melbourne, Australia

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Dart Classes for C# Programmers
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Dart Classes for C# Programmers

Building classes in Dart is similar to C#, but there are some quirks that you need to be aware of. This article shows you how...

06 Sep 2021 Christian Findlay
Flutter: First Impressions
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Flutter: First Impressions

Flutter is Google’s cross-platform UI Toolkit. It uses the language Dart. I have a long history of building cross-platform apps with .NET and XAML. I...

04 Sep 2021 Christian Findlay
How to Stop NullReferenceExceptions in .NET
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How to Stop NullReferenceExceptions in .NET

This article gives you a toolset for stopping NullReferenceExceptions in .NET code. The article centers around Nullable Reference Types (NRT), a feature that Microsoft added...

30 Jul 2021 Christian Findlay
RestClient.Net 5
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RestClient.Net 5

RestClient.Net makes HTTP calls in .NET easy. Send the request body as a strongly typed object, and get back a strongly typed object. You can...

27 May 2021 Christian Findlay
How To Change the Behavior of a C# Record Constructor
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How To Change the Behavior of a C# Record Constructor

Records are a new feature in C# 9. Records are special classes that borrow from Structs in that they have value-based equality. You could look at them as a...

29 Apr 2021 Christian Findlay
Choose ASP.NET Core in 2021
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Choose ASP.NET Core in 2021

ASP.NET Core is the most up-to-date Microsoft technology for building web apps. You can build Web APIs for your SPA front-end or traditional web-apps in...

26 Feb 2021 Christian Findlay
Device.Net (Usb.Net, Hid.Net) 4.0
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Device.Net (Usb.Net, Hid.Net) 4.0

Device.Net is a cross-platform .NET framework for talking to connected devices such as USB, Serial Port and Hid devices. It aims to make device communication...

31 Jan 2021 Christian Findlay
Publish Source Link NuGet Packages with Azure Pipelines
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Publish Source Link NuGet Packages with Azure Pipelines

Source Link allows you to publish debuggable NuGet packages. Source Link adds debug symbols to compiled code that point back to your Git repository. That...

25 Dec 2020 Christian Findlay