Christian Findlay is a professional Software Developer and trainer based in Melbourne, Australia. He builds with Flutter, .NET, AI, Firebase/Supabase, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

Melbourne, Australia

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Why .NET Standard Is Still Relevant
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Why .NET Standard Is Still Relevant

.NET Standard is a .NET formal specification or API contract that is available across many .NET implementations. It exists because there are many .NET implementations on...

21 Dec 2020 Christian Findlay
Reactive Programming: Hot Vs. Cold Observables
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Reactive Programming: Hot Vs. Cold Observables

The Observer Pattern is at the core of reactive programming, and observables come in two flavors: hot and cold. This is not explicit when you...

25 Oct 2020 Christian Findlay
How to Use F# from C#
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How to Use F# from C#

F# is a functional programming language that compiles to .NET Intermediate Language (IL). C# is becoming a more functional programming language. The latest version of...

17 Oct 2020 Christian Findlay
Android HID/USB with Flutter and .NET
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Android HID/USB with Flutter and .NET

Flutter is an emerging UI technology by Google. Flutnet brings Flutter and .NET together. It allows you to create a Flutter UI with .NET logic....

09 Oct 2020 Christian Findlay
ILogger and Null Object Pattern
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ILogger and Null Object Pattern

The Null Object Pattern is a pattern that uses objects with null behavior instead of performing null checks throughout the codebase. ILogger and ILoggerFactory are...

30 Sep 2020 Christian Findlay
XAML: How to Implement INotifyPropertyChanged
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XAML: How to Implement INotifyPropertyChanged

The INotifyPropertyChanged changed interface is at the heart of XAML apps and has been a part of the .NET ecosystem since the early days of...

11 Sep 2020 Christian Findlay
Git Submodules Vs. NuGet Dependencies
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Git Submodules Vs. NuGet Dependencies

Breaking your solutions up into manageable chunks (libraries) is one of the most important aspects of code maintainability. This article is .NET centric, but the...

28 Aug 2020 Christian Findlay
How To Buy a Computer for Cross-Platform Development
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How To Buy a Computer for Cross-Platform Development

Computers are expensive, and you may need to buy a Mac and a PC as a mobile developer. As a mobile developer, you will spend...

28 Aug 2020 Christian Findlay