Christian Findlay is a professional Software Developer and trainer based in Melbourne, Australia. He builds with Flutter, .NET, AI, Firebase/Supabase, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

Melbourne, Australia

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Anti-patterns: A Misused Term
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Anti-patterns: A Misused Term

The term “anti-pattern” is a derogatory term used to disparage software design approaches that a given developer or group of developers may not like. The...

01 Jun 2019 Christian Findlay
C# and gRPC Part One
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C# and gRPC Part One

gRPC is a modern open source RPC framework created by Google. It is based on Google’s modern Protocol Buffer serialization engine but is not tied...

26 May 2019 Christian Findlay
Cross-Platform C# UI Technologies
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Cross-Platform C# UI Technologies

Several UI technologies can be used to build Cross-Platform apps in C# or other .NET based languages such as Visual Basic (VB). This article looks...

11 May 2019 Christian Findlay
API Versioning: Mandatory Columns
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API Versioning: Mandatory Columns

There are some difficulties with versioning APIs. One such difficulty is dealing with mandatory columns. If a back-end API upgrade is taking place, and we...

31 Mar 2019 Christian Findlay
Back-end - Front-End Versioning
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Back-end - Front-End Versioning

This article is part of a larger series that I am writing on App Store Deployment, but this is not limited to App Store Deployment....

23 Mar 2019 Christian Findlay
App Store Deployment
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App Store Deployment

App Stores are a great advancement in Software Deployment. They offer something like the Zero Footprint model while still allowing the application to have access...

23 Mar 2019 Christian Findlay
App Store Deployment - Back-end First
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App Store Deployment - Back-end First

This follows on from my article about App Store Deployment. Here I am going to offer a strategy for dealing with App Store Deployment where...

23 Mar 2019 Christian Findlay
C# Code Rules Part 2 - How To Configure
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C# Code Rules Part 2 - How To Configure

Edit: There is a new article that replaces these two articles and uses the more modern editor config format. These two articles are still useful...

23 Feb 2019 Christian Findlay