Christian Findlay is a professional Software Developer and trainer based in Melbourne, Australia. He builds with Flutter, .NET, AI, Firebase/Supabase, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

Melbourne, Australia

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How to Move Uno Platform Pages to a Multi-Targeting Library
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How to Move Uno Platform Pages to a Multi-Targeting Library

You can move Uno Platform pages and other code into a multi-targeted library that you can reference from the Uno Platform head projects. This is...

25 Aug 2020 Christian Findlay
First Uno Platform Course Published
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First Uno Platform Course Published

The first Uno Platform Course is live! Over the last few months, I’ve been busily preparing material and editing video for the first Uno Platform...

05 Aug 2020 Christian Findlay
How To Access SQL Generated By Entity Framework Core 3
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How To Access SQL Generated By Entity Framework Core 3

Entity Framework Core (EF) converts expressions into SQL at runtime. In earlier versions, it was straight forward to get the SQL. In Entity Framework Core...

19 Jul 2020 Christian Findlay
Blazor Vs. Traditional Web Apps
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Blazor Vs. Traditional Web Apps

Blazor is a new Single Page Application (SPA) technology by Microsoft. It is a comparable technology to React, Angular, and Vue.js but uses C# instead...

09 Jul 2020 Christian Findlay
How to Use and Unit Test ILogger
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How to Use and Unit Test ILogger

ILogger is at the heart of the ASP.NET Core infrastructure and works well when you use it correctly. If you approach it the wrong way,...

03 Jul 2020 Christian Findlay
Cross-Platform C# UI Technologies Part 2
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Cross-Platform C# UI Technologies Part 2

The options for building cross-platform phone, desktop, and web-apps with C# are expanding. I previously wrote about Uno Platform, Xamarin.Forms, and Avalonia UI. The recent Microsoft Build...

24 Jun 2020 Christian Findlay
RestClient.Net 4
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RestClient.Net 4

RestClient.Net is a cross-platform rest-client for .NET Core, .NET Framework, iOS, Android, WASM and UWP. It puts a wrapper over the .NET HttpClient API and allows...

17 Jun 2020 Christian Findlay
Blazor vs. React / Angular / Vue.js
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Blazor vs. React / Angular / Vue.js

Blazor is a new Microsoft technology that allows developers to write code for browsers in C#. This article compares Blazor to three other common SPA...

04 Jun 2020 Christian Findlay